Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Writing Introductions and Conclusions to Essay free essay sample

The quality of an essay introduction often determines whether the essay gets read in the first place. A good introduction gives the reader a good initial impression, entices the reader to read on, and encourages the reader to give an excellent evaluation at the end. The topic of your essay is going to illustrate or explore in the body of the essay which turn out to be more and more poignant. Hence, the introduction should always be designed in such a way, so that it attracts the readers attention and give them a proper idea of the essays focus. n. The function of introduction The introduction has various functions.All the functions applied on a introduction will help writer to build a fine start. Eve divided the function into several part and explain each propose of function. 1. Describing background information Providing background information in an essay introduction serves as a bridge to link the reader to the topic of an essay. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing Introductions and Conclusions to Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But exactly how long this bridge should be is largely dependent on how much information the writer thinks the reader will need in order to understand the issue being discussed in the essay and appreciate the importance Of the issue.F-or many university writing, one good rule of thumb for students to determine whether enough aground information has been provided is to read the draft introduction to fellow students from other faculties and see whether they understand what is being talked about. 2. Intriguing the Reader It is essential to grab your readers attention in the first few sentences of your essay. You can achieve this by opening with an interesting fact, statistic or quote. 3. Getting the readers attention Some common strategies used to attract the readers interest to an essay are: I. Tell a dramatic anecdote. Ii.Present surprising facts and statistics. Iii. Use a fitting quotation. Iv. Ask a provocative question. . Tell a vivid personal story. Vi. Define a key term. Vii. Present an interesting observation. 4. Lead to the thesis statement. The central idea or thesis statement in an essay introduction is the most important part of the essay and is thus it is indispensable. The thesis statement is usually one or two sentences long and tells the reader what the whole essay is going to be about. It appears near or at the end of the introduction paragraph. It provides details that gradually move towards an assertion that forms the focus of the essay. Without the thesis, the introduction is incomplete. 5. Stating your Argument It is important that your reader is aware from the outset just what you will be arguing in your essay. This will ensure your essay is clear and persuasive. Using the key words, briefly summaries your argument in just one or two sentences. 6. Introducing your Evidence After catching your readers attention and stating your argument, an effective introduction should introduce the aspects of the subject or the evidence that you plan to examine in the main body of the essay in order to support your case. This section does not need to be lengthy; a single sentence will suffice. This is the final step in writing your introduction. Your reader is engaged, has a full understanding of your case and is prepared to see how the points in the body Of your essay support your argument. A proper essay introduction always makes a good essay. It is not necessary that you have to give the entire assignment to them but you can always give this part which is of vital importance to you. Once you have given the topic and the basic idea of the paper the introduction will be well written as per your desired requirement.Essay conclusion is the closing paragraph at the end of the essay to restate our thesis statement (key essay idea) with strong points. The conclusion is the last chance to persuade your readers to your point of view, to impress yourself upon them as a writer and thinker. And the impression you create in your conclusion will shape the impression that stays with your readers after theyve finished the essay. It is different from summary. Summary reiterates the main points of your essay whereas conclusion winds up the essay in a clear and interesting way emphasizing on your personal opinion or suggesting a plan of action.It is normally a two to three lines paragraph that sakes the reader feel that essay is complete. V . The function of the essays Conclusion 1. It reminds the reader of the strengths of the argument. It reiterates the most important evidence supporting the argument. Your conclusion is not simply a repetitive summary as this reduces the impact of the argument you have developed in your essay. 2. The conclusion provides a forum for you to persuasively and succinctly restate your thesis given. The reader has been presented with all the information about the topic. . The concluding paragraph also contains a reflection on the evidence presented, or on the essays thesis. The nature of the reflection will depend on your topic I. Dont simply summarize your essay. A brief summary of your argument may be useful, especially if your essay is long more than ten pages or so. But shorter essays tend not to require a restatement of your main ideas. Ii. Avoid phrases like in conclusion, to conclude, in summary, and to sum up. These phrases can be useful even welcome in oral presentations.But readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of the pages, when an essay is about to end. Youll irritate your audience if you belabor the obvious. Iii. Resist the urge to apologize. If youve immersed yourself in your subject, you now know a good deal more about it than you can possibly include in a five- or ten- or 20-page essay. As a result, by the time you eve finished writing you may be having some doubts about what youve produced. (And if you havent immersed yourself in your subject, you may be feeling even more doubtful about your essay as you approach the conclusion. Repress those doubts. Dont undercut your authority by saying things like, this is just one approach to the subject; there may be other, better approaches.. W. Recommendations for conclusion are: I. A summary paragraph of two or three lines. Ii. Wraps up the essay so it should leave a mark on the reader using assertive and impressive statements. Iii. Should artistically reiterate the main idea of the essay. Iv. Putting questions to readers help them to gain a new viewpoint on the topic. V. Avoid using new points at the end. VOW.Conclusion (the conclusion part) The end of an essay should therefore convey a sense of completeness, its larger meaning, and its implications: the final paragraph should close the discussion without closing it off. IX. Bibliography I. White, 2006). HOW -or write Essay . ND deed. London: McGraw hill. Ii. Holland, M. (1996). The conclusion introduction of essay. Available from: http://www. Cam. AC. UK/writing/essay/ essayconstructureEIectronic maimmaterialoIlowfollowingssed on lth Sep,lath0Seep iii. WanIiiQ. (2007) The Academic writing abroad. Bei JingBeehJinne Tsing HuTestingvHuhity Press. iv. JameIvThe Essay Structure.Oxford: Oxford university Press. X . Appendix Essay writing important part of the essay and is thus indispensable. The thesis statement is usually one or tv#1042TV0 sentences long and tells the reader what the whole essay is going to be about. A thesis statement can be direct or indirect. A direct thesis statement gives a specific outline of the essay. For example, one of my students (in his essay entitled The Qualities of a Successful TechnoprTechnocracies the following thesis statement: The three core qualities that a technoprtechnocraciesssess to be successful are vision, a never-say-quit attitude and an innovative mind. This sentence tells the reader what the essay is going to be about (i. e. thI qEalThees a technoprtechnocraciesssess in order to succeed) and provides a structural outline (i. e. thIt EheThatay will omprise memoriesain parts, each portion respectively covering one of the three qualities mentioned). In an indirect thesis statement, no such outline is provided; however, the reader will still know what aspect of the topic the essay is going to discuss. For example, on the same topic, another of my students wrote this thesis statement: In todays rapidly changing technology market, only technoprdecorousnesssess certain qualities will succeed while those who do not will falter and fall in the battlefield. From this sentence, the reader can still expect the essay to talk about some qualities of a successful echnoprecomprehend/she will neither know exactly which and how many qualities the essay will cover, nor predict how many parts the writer will discuss in the main body paragraphs.The suspense given by an indirect thesis statement sometimes gives the reader a good reason to read on. How to write essay [pic] ikepickgoekestory, an essay should have a beginning, a middle and an end. All too often, students neglect the beginning. First impressions count and the introduction to your essay should be no exception. An introduction is vital because it both prepares and excites the reader. Writing an effective opening aragrapharcographable your reader to see where you are going with your essay from the outset, allowing them to fully engage with your argument.The best introductions also intrigue the reader, sparking their interest in the rest of your essay. Your introduction need not be long but you do need to write one. The following tips on penning your opening paragraph are sure to save you from that infamous essay writers block. Finding the Key Words First of all, take a moment to step back and have a good look at the essay question. Which particular words jump out at you? These key words will help ou to thok about what the essay question requires of you and where your introduction should lead.

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